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I wonder if the probing failures i. Zanna 50k 13 Radeon R2 Stoney Ridge. Radeon R9 MX Crossfire. Make it work 3m, make it shiny later.

Sign up using Facebook. I added the line to a blank xorg.

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I hate the idea of getting kernel panic. Email Required, but never shown. Comment on this change optional. I don't understand why the successful test using displayconfig-gtk is not saved.

ATi Rage Mobility M3 / Rage Mobility (AGP 2x) @ HWBOT

Install crossdev on your x Is there something I have to add to the Monitor section of xorg. I think i will make a couple trials and see what happens now that you have narrowed the possible choices from all too many to a very minimum. I had to recompile kernel and in the proces made a few extra mistakes. I'ts not going to be my regular workhorse, I'm just going to test some LAMP stuff on it, so I might need some 48 hours to test things but I like this Ubuntu stuff more and more Half the time this will solve the problem.

I have due to distraction run startx from the root terminal mobiliyt a few times too.

It seems a bit unpredictable what number is required; 2 might work for moiblity machine, and on a seemingly identical one you have to use a different value. Wed Apr 11, 1: Sat May 05, Mon Mar 26, 8: Late Thanks for your quick and also very clear answer schwarzygesetzlos! Sun Apr 01, 7: I just found this Ubuntu Forums thread.

So, yes, I think that not having xorg. Bad file descriptor xiinit: I want to enable x but I'm stuck with x or x And besides this little box here takes at least 4 days to compile a minimal kernel.

ATI Rage Mobility M3 - ThinkWiki

The very last post is what tipped me off. Radeon R5 Stoney Ridge.

It is my experience that the comments above is the solution to the problem. Since this bug has enough information provided for a developer to begin work, I'm going to mark it as confirmed and let them handle it from here.

They were ATI's first graphics solutions to carry the Mobility moniker. I am quite confident that under Hardy I only had to change the color depth to 16although I can't remember which driver ati, r, fglrx I used.


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